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Friday, August 16, 2013

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park

 As one of America’s most popular destinations, Yellowstone National Park has attracted millions of visitors. Here you will see all the sights: geysers, lakes, waterfalls, lightning storms and hot springs including Old Faithful!

Located in northern Wyoming, Yellowstone abounds in wildlife from baby elk to the mighty bison and moose, each lending its individual beauty to the landscape. Amongst the awe-inspiring scenery stands the majestic Grand Teton mountain range with its rugged peaks, beautiful lakes and crystal-clear streams.
Yellowstone National Park, established by the U.S. Congress as a national park on March 1, 1872, is located primarily in the U.S. state of Wyoming, though it also extends into Montana and Idaho. The park was the first of its kind, and is known for its wildlife and its many geothermal features, especially Old Faithful Geyser, one of the most popular features in the park. It has many types of ecosystems, but the subalpine forest is dominant.
Indigenous Americans have lived in the Yellowstone region for at least 11,000 years. The region was bypassed during the Lewis and Clark Expedition in the early 1800s. Aside from visits by mountain men during the early to mid-1800s, organized exploration did not begin until the late 1860s. The U.S. Army was commissioned to oversee the park just after its establishment.
In 1917, administration of the park was transferred to the National Park Service, which had been created the previous year. Hundreds of structures have been built and are protected for their architectural and historical significance, and researchers have examined more than 1,000 archaeological sites.

Hackers World: Anonymous Investigation

Hackers World: Anonymous Investigation

 Some attack governments, large corporations… and steal personal identities. Others use their skills for political activism. They are hackers.

And in a rare sit down interview with a member of the infamous collective “Anonymous”, 16×9 gets a unique, inside look into a “Hackers World”.
Anonymous is a loosely associated hacktivist group. It originated in 2003, representing the concept of many online and offline community users simultaneously existing as an anarchic, digitized global brain.
It is also generally considered to be a blanket term for members of certain Internet subcultures, a way to refer to the actions of people in an environment where their actual identities are not known.

A Different Pitch

A Different Pitch

From the rutted football pitches and lethal minefields of Kosovo, comes the compelling story of a football dream amid the on-going Balkan nightmare.

Filmmaker Doug Aubrey follows football coach Scotty Lee on a near heart-of-darkness type journey through a country scarred by inter-ethnic hatred and littered with the lethal debris of NATO’s war.
A Different Pitch is a unique and at times shocking grass-roots insight into the effects of war on a generation.
It is a timely reminder that Football, the people’s game, is not just a way of life, but can actually help save lives.

FIFA’s Dirty Secrets

FIFA’s Dirty Secrets

 The half-hour programme saw investigative journalist Andrew Jennings look into allegations of corruption with FIFA, the world’s governing body of association football.

Within the programme he alleged that three members of FIFA’s executive committee had been given bribes by International Sports and Leisure, a marketing partner of FIFA.
The three men – Nicolas Leoz, Issa Hayatou and Ricardo Teixeira – were reportedly involved with a sports marketing firm responsible for broadcasting rights and took money from them.
Jennings further alleged that a fourth current official has been involved in ticket touting. Both of these matters had not been properly investigated by Sepp Blatter, the President of FIFA. It also made a series of claims about the bidding process for hosting the FIFA World Cup.
The documentary was broadcast only three days before the result of the bidding process for the 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cups were announced. This led to fears from some people that it could ruin England’s chances of hosting the former tournament, with some accusing the BBC of being unpatriotic; however, the BBC defended these claims.
Russia ultimately won the right to host the FIFA World Cup in 2018, with Qatar emerging victorious for the 2022 tournament. The question of whether the documentary was a crucial factor in England losing the contest was brought up by a number of key figures after the result was announced.
Hayatou, who is the vice-president of FIFA, denied all accusations of involvement in the scheme and claimed money was in fact paid to the Confederation of African Football (CAF). He threatened to sue the BBC for the making of the documentary. The programme received 52 complaints from viewers.

Odessa Girls

Odessa Girls

Odessa, on the frontier of the ex Soviet Union, is the new tourist magnet for Americans. But what brings them there?

The pioneer spirit is strong with these Americans who are taking advantage of Odessa’s reputation as home of the world’s most beautiful women.
Economic prospects in Odessa are poor, alcoholism is wide spread, and women outnumber men almost 5 to 4.
One area of the economy which is doing well is the marriage business. Men are in such short supply that many girls, some as young as 18, signup to join one of the numerous marriage agencies.
Glitzy websites show a seemingly endless procession of beautiful single women. One of these is Julia, 27 years old, whose situation is typical of many of the girls in the catalogs.


Streets of New York

Streets of New York

Nowhere in America do poverty and wealth exist so closely to one another as in New York City. Even from the darkest corners of Brooklyn, one need only look up and across the East River to see the great temples of Wall Street wealth looming over the night. Since the birth of the city, New York’s poorest residents, whether Irish, Jewish, black, or Puerto Rican, have made their own gold from the streets of the city. Sometimes the elements of crime were needed to harvest this gold.
But as the violence slowly spread toward the rich and powerful, the apparatus of control, the police and the government, swung into action and, miracle of miracles, New York, the rotten apple, became the safest big city in America… or that’s the official story. In New York City, 1970, heroin was the king. Teenage gangs terrorized the streets of Brooklyn and Bronx, and mafia leader Joe Colombo decided to fight the government, not in the street but on television. Colombo’s crime family was locked in a war with crazy Joey Gallo. Gallo had aligned himself with black gangsters from Brooklyn while serving time in prison.
The speculation that Joey Gallo was behind the black assassin of Joe Colombo was never proven, but it certainly showed how crime and drugs could unite the gangster tribes of New York across racial lines. A flood of cheap heroine washed over the city courtesy of the Italian Mafia and the police department was so notoriously corrupt that the Knapp Commission was set up to investigate the widespread bribery that organized crime used to insulate themselves from the law.
Puerto Ricans had been granted U.S. citizenship in 1917 and after the war they became the largest group coming into New York. By the mid ’60s the South Bronx was in a state of economic freefall. Every study that has been made indicated that the Puerto Ricans live in the worst conditions of slum housing, have the worst jobs, have the lowest educational attainment, and by every index of health and poverty were suffering to a greater extent than any other group. Heroin ravaged the population and gangs made up of unemployed poverty stricken teenagers ruled the streets.

Animal Imitators

Animal Imitators

As we hurtle towards a high-tech future where everything seems possible, a growing number of people are choosing to correct what they’re convinced was nature’s big mistake. They’re asking, “Why be human when you know you’re not.”
They’re pushing the boundaries of body modification and challenging nature’s limits carving and covering their flesh, trying to escape their human prison, trying to free the animal within.
In a house just outside of San Diego lived a cat with another cat unlike any other cat you’ve ever seen. Dennis Avner was a Native American man who went by the name Cat Man, or to his friends just plain Cat. Cat’s life dream was to transform himself into a tiger and he was well on the way.
He was a cat his entire life. He was always related to cats. He always had a close relationship with cats. He could walk into somebody’s house that had cats and go right up to their cats and they were becoming instant friends, and that also worked with wildcats, tigers, and other animals. He had a very strong instant relationship with them.
Cat had 12 operations and his latest was the implanted metal studs just above his upper lip to hold nylon whiskers. It was taking him a half hour to put them in, and a half hour or more to take them back out. They looked great, but it was a major pain to do it very often.
Cat began transforming himself with tattoos, then with surgery. The first modification he did was the ears. They actually had been done three times, three different procedures to get to the point. The teeth were going to be done as caps, but they had ended up done as dentures because his teeth were in pretty bad shape.
And he did the implant in the bridge of his nose to change the profile to make it more catlike, and along with that he cleft the lip to make it more catlike, and there was silicone injected in his upper lip, and his cheeks, and his chin to change the shape of his face a little more, and he had to get that done in Mexico because that’s illegal in the United States.
Cat had a well-paying job as a computer technician. Most of what he earned he spent on becoming more tiger-like. He really didn’t want to know how much he spent on all that because it was a lot of money. He had better things to do than keep track how much he spent. He was moving forward. He didn’t care about what’s behind him.
But Cat wasn’t transforming his body in a plastic surgery clinic. No plastic surgeon he contacted would even consider working on him. The man who was turning Cat into a Tiger works in Phoenix, but he isn’t a doctor.
His background is medical device design, medical instrument manufacturing, implants manufacturing, implant design, and stuff like that. In 1999, the Guinness Book of World Records cited Steve Haworth as the most successful body modification artist in the world.
He’s done probably 95% of the extreme modification that’s walking around. He’s modified people to look like fairies, elves, pixies, cats, and reptiles. Cat was at the extreme end of the scale. He had taken his modifications to the point that he was almost not of this world. It was so extreme and so nonhuman-like that you couldn’t expect people to not be completely shocked, and floored, and in awe at what they saw.